Marriage is a single, holy institution. But just like diamonds, it comes in various forms. In fact, marriages can be considered to be as unique as our fingerprints, even though from the outside, all marriages can either look happy or disturbed. The fact is simple – there are two people who come together to make or break a marriage. When no two people can be exactly alike, it is not possible to see two marriages which are exactly alike either.
But there are some common traits that can be found in most marriages. The list can be endless; there would be factors which are unique to the two people who are in the relationship, which may not be applicable to anyone else. But here are the top four characteristics that can be found in happy marriages:
- Trust – It is important for both people in the marriage to be able to trust each other. And not just in terms of fidelity, but also have trust enough that the other person would be there for him/her during their bad times too. Lack of trust only leads to jealousy, spiteful fights, and a host of other nasty, negative emotions which will surely end even the most passionate marriage.
- Respect – Loving each other is one thing, respecting is another. There are some people who find their spouses extremely beautiful, or utterly charming, or extremely well-bred, or enormously rich. these may have been the appeal initially which brought them both together, and also probably why they love them so much. But when there is a lack of respect, everything else becomes insubstantial. You may need or want them because you love them, but you cannot meet them as equals and will always look down upon them when you don’t respect them.
- Care – Romantic dates, buying extravagant gifts, and living in a beautiful home together may make for a good marriage. But a soulful one can exist only when the two people genuinely care for each other. Having a partner who looks after you when you’re ill, does household chores when you’re unable to, shares bigger responsibilities with you to manage finances will go a longer way than a person who writes beautiful poetry or always remembers your birth date. Liking and caring for someone is as important as loving someone because they are just means of showing that you love them. Even if you don’t make loud exclamations of love, just quiet ways of showing that you care can make the other person feel warm and cherished.
- Passion – The worries of your jobs and finances may be killing the romance you share with your marriage. You both may be working so hard to live in that beautiful home and buy that posh car for your family that you forget to keep the fire burning bright between the two of you. Sharing some exciting chemistry will keep the both of you satisfied and happy with each other, apart from keeping the relationship young and fun always.
Click the link to watch this episode: 4 Essentials to a “Happy Marriage”