Ever stopped and thought “What is going on?” “Why are things so different now?” We asked ourselves that a lot during our first year of marriage. So much changed and it changed so quickly. I had to adjust to my new role, surroundings, and schedule. And to be honest, it took awhile. I was so stuck in my ways when it came to my daily routine that it was so hard (still working on it) to deviate from it. But then I remembered that my marriage is a reflection of our relationship with God and that in my relationship with him I have to die to self daily.
Everyday I have to make the effort to remind myself that every decision that I make today can either hinder or grow my marriage. Are the dishes in the sink worth the argument? Does it really matter if the bed is made when it get home? Are we really going to give each other the silent treatment because the clothes are folded and put away?
Although these seem minuscule you have to realize that to your partner it might be a big deal but the goal is to effectively communicate and to choose your battles. Come to agreements or compromises that will satisfy everything. Proverbs 15:1 says “A soft answer turns away wrath,but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Choose your words, timing, and environment wisely when you are wanting to discuss issues with your spouse so that you are heard and not feeling like you’re on “the stand”.
Everyday choose to let old mindsets and attitudes die a little because again every choice you make daily can either hinder or grow your marriage.