As someone once said, the greatest thing in life is to find someone who knows your flaws and still thinks you are great. In reality, mistakes in marriage can have negative effects on the relationship.
From the point of view of a man, there are many screw-ups that could seriously disrupt the marriage. If these mistakes are not acknowledged and rectified on time, it could lead to the relationship going downhill.
The following are three major mistakes that men make in marriage:
1. Failure to empathize: Empathy is being able to share a partner’s feelings. In a marriage, this is an important factor that helps to cement the relationship between the partners involved. When the man fails to empathize, it can have consequences. Women expect men to understand their feelings while men just want to lay down facts. This naturally causes clashes.
2. Being dominant: Most men like to be the dominant partner in the relationship. Men like to take the pole position in the relationship and try to lead the marriage. A man wants his views to the heard and his decision to be accepted. This is one of the reasons why marriages fail. Women want a partner who respects their views and is not someone who acts like a dictator.
3. Not listening: This is a common mistake, which can infuriate wives. When they share their views, they expect their partners to not just hear but also listen. It is not enough nodding one’s head, and the man should make it a point to participate in the conversation, understand the viewpoint of the woman, and respond appropriately. Not listening to the partner’s view is a major blunder in marriage.
It is human to make mistakes, but repeatedly making the same ones can adversely affect a marriage. Men need to understand this and correct themselves.