Sex is much more than fulfilling sexual fantasies and reproduction. It is essential for many people who are in a devoted relationship. It is about intimacy, pleasure, and sexual expression. It also has many medical benefits such as stress relief, and it enhances long-term relationships.
1. It connects you to your partner – Sex is an intimate experience. The intimateness of sex shouldn’t be ignored because it can lead to many problems down the line. It can bring you much closer to your partner physically and emotionally. Chemistry in the bedroom often translates to chemistry in your relationship. Sexless relationships sometimes become vulnerable over time which means that you need to use sex to keep the fire burning.
2. It keeps you both healthy – Sex is an excellent way of keeping both you and your partner healthy. It has also been observed to make people more flexible. Sex burns a lot of calories, it kickstarts the body’s metabolism and boosts immunity. It has also been observed to fight aging. The benefits of sex don’t stop there. They extend mentally too. When intimacy is practiced, your partner and you will be able to think much more clearly.
3. It’s a great stress reliever – Stress is an integral part of the lives we live in the 21st century. Stress often takes a toll on your relationship. Plenty of research has shown that sex releases a chemical which makes you feel good. This results in you feeling better which lowers stress levels. Heated sex sessions are much better for your health than antidepressants. It also keeps your hormones balanced which calm other emotional problems such as depression.
There are many more reasons as to why sex is essential in a marriage. It keeps both your partner and you healthy as well as keep your relationship vibrant.