It isn’t an easy road to become one in marriage. It isn’t impossible either and can be done. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to becoming one with your partner.
1. Invest in your spouse – Everyone doesn’t want to be last in a list of priorities. Many things in life continuously pop up and jumble our list of priorities. Careers, children and friends make it easy to take for granted what we have until it’s gone. Even innocent things such as community service or coaching your child’s football game eat up precious time. This can sometimes result in a husband or wife not having enough to give his/her spouse at the end of the day. Make an effort to invest yourself by showing that you care. You could take 15 minutes to talk about what happened in their day, cook them a special meal or surprise them with a small gift. Small acts of kindness often leave the most significant impacts.
2. You don’t need to be right always – A divorce is much more expensive than being right. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, our need to be right disables our ability to listen to what our spouse might be trying to say. How far are you willing to go to prove that you are right? Part of being an adult is being mature and letting the other person ‘win’ the argument even if you know you are right.
3. Let go of the past – Everyone makes mistakes. It is part of what makes us human. There is no way to go back into the past and corrects those mistakes. Do not cling to any injustice that has been inflicted onto you. Learn to accept what happened and move on. Clinging onto injustices makes you use them as weapons when another wrong is committed.
Admittedly, it isn’t easy to follow these tips. However, trying is better than not trying. Sincerely try these tips, and you will become one with your partner.