The key word from the title is empower. You aren’t setting your husband up to make every decision and take initiative all the time. What you should be trying to achieve is to make your husband feel more confident when he does decide to take charge. Whether you believe it or not, what a woman says carries a lot of weight. What you say can either build a man up or tear him down.
Here’s how you can subtly empower your husband to be the head of your home.
1. Make him feel attractive – Flirting with your husband makes him think that you think that he still has it. Both men and women are physical beings who would like to feel attractive even if they’ve s been married to each other for a long time. Showing that you find your partner attractive will boost his self-esteem and go a long way to make his emotional connection better with you.
2. Ask him for advice for small things – Asking your husband a question on something you know that he knows a lot about and then relating it to a problem you need solved is a great confidence booster. It will do wonders to make your husband feel appreciated and validated.
3. Acknowledge when he does something right – Women are amazing at multitasking. Everyone has a mental picture of a woman who can file her taxes while changing diapers. Men are much less adept than women when it comes to multitasking. When your husband gets the little things right, giving him a high-five or a fist-bump is the way to go. Don’t make a big deal out of it or it will come across like you knew he could do it all the time.
Try these tips to start with to make your husband want to be his best self in front of you.