Dating and marriage seem very similar on the surface, but they’re actually completely different ball games. Regardless of whether you are going to pop the question or have vowed to stay clear from marriage entirely, you need to know the difference between dating and marriage so that you’ll see what you’re up against. This will help you explain why you aren’t married yet.
1. Dating is like a trial for marriage – When you date someone, you have the opportunity to learn and explore life with another person before you make a commitment. It isn’t uncommon today to move in with your partner to test out what marriage would be like before getting married.
2. Marriage is a serious commitment – When you say the words “I do” and sign those papers, you are making a declaration to the world and a vow to God that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person. You’re saying that you will be with this person through the good as well as the bad parts of life. You can do some of this while dating, but it’s not the same as when you’re married.
3. Married couple have different social norms – Married couples are expected to follow different social norms than couples who are dating. When you get married, you are saying that you’d like to be together for life and this has much more serious implications than dating. Marriage says that you’re going to settle down, have babies and grow old together with your partner. A couple who is dating doesn’t have those social norms expected of them.
Too many people use marriage and dating interchangeably. This article isn’t saying that one is better than the other. It is highlighting the facts. Different people are in different circumstances which means that marriage is perfectly fine for some while dating is better for other people.