God gave human beings the gift of falling in love with the opposite gender, along with the blessings to create families. Due to this reason, you might have the question, what constitutes as the characteristics of a godly marriage? What should you aim to be, so that you become the perfect husband or wife in the eyes of God? Here are three important characteristics of a godly marriage:
The wife understands internal beauty is better than external
It is important for the wife to understand that she shouldn’t obsess over external beauty such as jewelry and hair. These factors are not permanent, as they can lose their value at any time. Instead, the wife should focus on internal beauty, as it is ageless. For the marriage to be godly, the wife should embrace the quiet and gentle spirit which resides in her.
The husband should respect and honor the wife
From 1 Peter 3:7, it is understood that God wants the husband to have immense respect and honor for his wife. It is the job of the husband to know more about his wife, by taking the time to learn about her dislikes and likes. He needs to help his wife grow and become strong, by washing away her insecurities by studying the word of God. In other words, the husband must take the role of the son of God, Christ, when he enters the marriage.
The wife and the husband understand and respect their differences
There will be tremendous differences between the husband and wife, as they are different vessels. Although the differences can be a source of conflict, it is the duty of the couple to understand them, so that they can overcome these obstacles.
These are the three important characteristics of a godly marriage!