Hey everyone! We are still basking in the nuggets that were dropped by Will and Shazia Lackey last week but one of the main things that stuck out is how they spent their first years. Shazia simply described it as “SURVIVAL MODE”. We feel that there must be other couples out there that feel the same! We sure know there are times that we do lol. But really though, there is a period in each marriage where each person is just trying to make it through the day and assure that their family (big or small) are all cared for and taken care of. BUT what if we told you it doesn’t have to be that way? What if told you there are small but significant ways to LIVE and THRIVE in your marriage not just survive? Let’s talk about 3 simple ways to thrive in your marriage when everything around you gets a little tight
- Breathe– You know the old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”? Take that to heart. There is no such thing as a perfect marriage or a perfect family. When God created you He knew exactly the type of daughter/son, sister/brother, wife/husband and mother/father you would be. Trust that our God makes no mistakes and the dynamic of your family is based on His creation. If it works for you and your family so be it. Never compare yourself or your family with another.
- Take time together– Corona has given us a surplus of time but how are you spending it? Are you making the most of the unique time together? Have you completed a couples or family project? When’s the last time you sat down and truly had a conversation with your spouse (this excludes phone usage lol)? Have a real conversation, play a game, go on a walk, complete a bible study JUST DO SOMETHING TOGETHER before you look up and realize how much time has been lost.
- Pray– Survival mode can deplete you mentally, emotionally, and definitely spiritually. Be sure that you are checking in with yourself and your creator. This will help to keep you grounded and clear on all situations. It will also help to remove the stressors that causes you to go into survival mode. Use it as a grounding mechanism to keep you linked to the ultimate power source and a reminder to keep the main things the main things.
That’s it peeps. As great as it is to achieve your goals don’t forget to live at the same time!
With love,
The Stutsons